Chang Lab
Dr Leng Chee Chang and lab members
On this page:
Principal Investigator
Contact information
Lab Location: Waiakea Research Station, Building P
Lab Phone: (808) 981-8018
Lab Members
- Dr. Mengke Zhang, Ph.D., Postdoc
- Ms. Sasha Kovac, Ph.D. student
- Ms. Elizabeth Lough, undergraduate student (INBRE)
- Mr. David Cao, Pharm.D. student
- Ms. Thuy-Mi Tran, Pharm.D. student
Research Topic areas
- Evaluation of Natural Products as Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Agents (NF-kB as Molecular Targets). To isolate and identify natural products-derived from medicinal plants with anticancer and cancer chemopreventive activity.
- Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Natural Products against community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus and bacteria infections.
- Antimicrobial activity of Hawaiian Medicinal Plants and Marine Algaes against Nontuberculous Mycobacteria. To identify bioactive compounds from Uhaloa, fermented noni juice with antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacteria chimaera isolated from Hawaii
Current Funding
- Hawaiʻi Community Foundation
- Victoria S. and Bradley L. Geist Foundation (active)
- USDA-ARS (active)
Recent Publications
- Youn UJ, Sripisut T, Miklossy G, Turkson J, Laphookhieo, S, Chang LC. (2017) Bioactive Polyprenylated Benzophenones from the fruits extracts of Garcinia xanthochymus. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett 27, 3760-3765.
- Thomas K, Zhang M, Reinicke J, Parker J, Ohora D, Wall MW, Songsak T, Wongwiwatthananukit S, Chang LC. (2017) Protein kinase inhibitory properties of extracts derived from Bocconia frutescens and Gomphocarpus physocarpus. Bulletin of Health Science and Technology. 15, 47-58.
- Acuña UM, Curley JR. RW, Fatima N, Ahmed S, Chang LC, Carcache de Blanco EJ. (2017). Differential effect of Wortmannolone Derivatives on MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells. Anticancer Res. 37, 1-7.
- Chang LC, Sang-ngern M, † Pezzuto JP. (2016) Poha Berry (Physalis peruviana) with Potential Anti-inflammatory and Cancer Prevention Activities. Hawaiʻi Journal of Medicine and Public Health. 75:11, 353-359.
- Youn UJ, Kondratyuk TP, Park EJ, Sripisut T,† Laphookhieo S, Pezzuto JM, Chang LC. (2016) Anti-inflammatory triterpenes from the apical bud of Gardenia sootepensis. Fitoterapia. 114, 92-97.
- Park EJ, Sang-ngern M,† Chang LC, Pezzuto JM. (2016) Induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis with downregulation of Hsp90 client proteins and histone modification by 4beta-hydroxywithanolide E isolated from Physalis peruviana. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 1-19.